if i knew that you were coming i'd a baked a cake.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

ELC Day Three

Eggs on display at Back Woods Family Farm boothOkay, don't laugh, but the egg salad sandwich I had for lunch today was nothing less than scrumptious!

I was making up a batch of regular egg salad for the Sandman with sweet pickle relish, and spotted the jar of chutney. Generally I wouldn't think of eating eggs and fruit together, but it was a winner.

You won't be able to recreate this exactly, but I'll bet that you could come close to it if you tried. I made mine with hard-boiled eggs from Back Woods Family Farm, quince chutney chopped up fine, honey mustard (not local, but I'm going on a quest for local mustard and BBQ sauce this weekend), a little Duke's mayonnaise (technically within the perimeters, it was made in Richmond, VA), salt and pepper, and topped it off with tennis ball lettuce.

The eggs were huge and so good that I ate two standing at the sink, salt shaker in hand, for my dinner last night. And I didn't need anything else!

Although the quince chutney was not made totally from local ingredients, the quinces were from the tree next door, the peaches were bought at the Piedmont Triad Farmers Market last year and dried in my food dehydrator (something I definitely plan to do again this summer), and the raisins, dried cherries, sugar, and apple cider vinegar were organic and from Deep Roots Market.

The wholegrain bread was from Simple Kneads Bakery. I bought it already sliced, and I keep it in the freezer so that I can pull out a few slices at a time. Since there are only two people in this household and we're not big sandwich eaters most of the time, a big loaf of bread can go stale before it is half eaten. However, I have noticed that their bread will keep as long as a week on the counter and still be fairly fresh. When it isn't, it goes in the freezer for meatloaf or bread pudding or strata.


mimulus said...

I can see this eating local thing takes alot more thinking about what to make..and eat. Otherwise i will live on eggs and lettuce all month.

Laurie said...

Yeah, you just described my last two days! It will get better after Saturday for me, when I'll be able to pick up some chicken.

Jamie said...

That Duke's mayo is more local than you think. The company is in Virginia, but I think the actual plant that makes the mayo is in the Carolinas somewhere. Woo hoo! :-)

The words "quince chutney" make me happy. I don't think I have mentioned it, but my young quince tree is growing...count it...one little quince!

I seriously need to go shopping, but I am having a lot of trouble finding the time. Right now, if I didn't grow it, I haven't got it (or it's from somewhere really far away).