if i knew that you were coming i'd a baked a cake.

Monday, May 01, 2006

ELC Day One

This will be a brief post, since I've had migraines since last night around 9:30, and I don't want to poke the monster while it's snoozing.

Because of my sickliness, eating anything and just getting up was a challenge today. So I wasn't 100%.

Today I ate some leftover mac and cheese with broccoli. The mac and cheese was Annie's, but the broccoli was local from the farmer's market.

Other than that, I drank coffee (organic free-trade from Deep Roots Market, with organic sugar from DRM, and lightened with milk from Homestead Creamery, which is in Wirtz, Virginia, but according to Yahoo Maps is 87.3 miles away. I like them because they use glass bottles that you can rinse and return to the store.

I made my pitcher of iced tea flavored with mint from my garden last night, and I am oh so glad that I did.

I have no idea what I'll try to put on my stomach tonight, but it will likely involve bread and goat cheese. If I start feeling much better, salad from my garden with a simple vinagrette dressing.


Zha K said...

A link from Mr Cone. Well done, Laurie.

Laurie said...

Oh, you mean you found the post about the comment from this jerk? He's gotta be a Monsanto hit man. Probably won't be long before he's appointed to a post in the Bush adminstration. Good luck fighting the forces of evil, and thank you for your kind words!